Paving my way to Freedom!

Documenting my journey to build an online empire that makes me money while I sleep and travel whenever I want.

Tag along on this journey if you want the same…

About Kelvin

Kelvin Balloo is a jolly good fellow. Oh, he’s a jolly good fellow! ‘Cause he’s a jolly good fellooow… which nobody can deny. After going to study abroad in Malaysia, Kelvin had his first travel dose. It was clear! He loved travelling and wanted to do it more. Effectively, he found various ways to travel for free but now, he wants to take it a step further. He doesn’t want to wait for free travels but rather have a lifestyle that can enable him to travel whenever he wants.

That is why he is turning to the internet to create that lifestyle through Content Creation, Youtube and Trading. These are avenues that he is exploring and are working well for him to create the laptop lifestyle that he wants…

Here are ways that you can definitely get started
if you are curious about what he is doing…


Travel with little or no money at all

Learn the ins and outs of not only budget travel but also unseen and untraditional ways on how you can travel for FREE!
My signature ebook will provide you a solid base!


Creating content that brings income

This takes time but it can be extremely rewarding. Whether it is through a website, Instagram, Youtube or all the like, I will break down exactly how you can profit online in this FREE 101 guide.


Trading for more passive income

The best part about trading is that it takes less effort compared to content creation. I will provide you with low-risk trade ideas that will enable you to build your wealth for more travels in the future!

Not sure where to start?

Sign up to watch the journey that Kelvin has had thus far and see what resonates most with you because clearly, everyone is wired differently…